And Here We Go

Okay, so how many of you thought Brendan Smith would be on the roster for opening night, let along starting as a fourth line wing?  Now be honest, I’m not sure even Brendan himself envisioned that this was likely to happen, though it certainly appears that he wasn’t ready to just give up. Or for that matter, […]

Latest Proposal Turned Down By League

The NHL and NHLPA remain on an undetermined schedule following today’s dismissal of the latest proposal by the league.  Following a suggestion last week by NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman that the sides take a two week hiatus, the NHLPA instead responded this week with a proposal of their own. One of the biggest challenges appears […]

NHL reportedly makes concession

Rick Nash, Michael Del Zotto, Ryan McDonagh and Carl Hagelin are already playing in Europe, and Derek Stepan could soon be there as well, although there’s news today that the NHL made a concession earlier this week to the players. Darren Dreger of TSN reported on Twitter that the NHL has changed their stance on how the parties would reach a 50/50 […]

Players Are About To Start Losing Money

With the league’s October 25th deadline set to expire today, it looks more certain than ever that the best we can hope for is a shorter season.  How much does this factor into the equation for the players can be easily represented in dollar figures. In the latest NHL proposal, the NHL is looking for […]

Players getting bad advice?

Hey, it’s Friday October 19th and we’re just six days away from seeing the 82 game schedule become an impossibility.  At least according to the publicly announced position by NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman. In the past few days we’ve seen the owners come up with an offer, followed by three counter offers by the NHLPA, […]

The New League

by Timmy Corbett In the eyes of a player, the new collective bargaining agreement is a devastating defeat, and an about face by their union. The fans also have turned away from the sport, and as a deeper insult, so will some players.  Established stars will retire without fanfare, without a proper farewell of any […]

The Rangers And The Cap

It has taken nine months of posturing and several weeks of hard negotiating, but it appears that a new NHL CBA is just around the corner.  Though much is yet to be revealed, the one thing that is apparent is that the NHL will likely start the 2005-06 season with a salary cap of around […]

The CBA And Things Past

by Timmy Corbett With the collective bargaining agreement set to end next summer, there is more going on than just a season for the Rangers. If the owners and players union cannot agree on a new structure, there may be no hockey next year, as the owners may lock the players out or the union […]