Rod Gilbert

Is That You Rod?

Submitted by Lewis Cohen April 14th, 2009

I have been a Ranger fan since the early sixties.  About a week after the Rangers won the Stanley Cup I went one afternoon to the supermarket, and saw a gentleman who I was sure was Rod Gilbert.  After a few seconds I decided to ask him if he was indeed Rod Gilbert.  I was correct and I will tell you he is as nice a person as they say he is. 

He took time to talk to me about the Rangers and the Cup and about the teams he played on.  We shook hands and I thanked him for taking the time to speak to me.  I will always remember how friendly and easy he was to speak to, like he was an old friend.  He was my favorite Ranger player growing up and will be forever.  He is a class act, and a true Ranger icon.

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