Ulf Dahlen

The Devil You Know

The season opened with Darren Langdon getting the game winner in Carolina and then Alexei Kovalev scored his second career hattrick against the Rangers back in January.   Just another example of a former Ranger coming back to bite his team.  But perhaps these were the exceptions rather than the rule, after all what other former Ranger has done what Kovalev has done?

Forty two former Rangers players and draftees have played against New York this season in a total eighty six games.  Nineteen of those players have had points against their former team, nine having scored goals, and three of those nine scoring two or more goals.  Not exactly mind-blowing numbers…

And who do you think has had the most success against the Rangers this season?  If you answered Kovalev you’d be close, but in actual fact Ulf Dahlen of the Washington Capitals edges the Penguins winger with a total of 6 points (2G, 4A) to Kovalev’s 5 (3G, 2A).  Still Alexei has two more opportunities to move into the lead, and chances are that he’ll do it.

The surprising Adam Graves rounds out the top three with 3 points (1G, 2A) and one wonders how he would do if he played New York more than the regulation two times for a Western Conference teams.  Other honorable mentions include Ray Ferarro with 2 goals and the defensive foursome of Johnsson, Miller, Pattrick and Zubov who each have 2 points (1G, 1A except for Zubov 2A).

Less of a surprise is Eric Cairns 60 penalty minutes in only four games against his former club (do you think the chicken dance had anything to do with it?).  Stan Neckar leads the former Rangers in +/- with a healthy +3 on a Tampa Bay team that has struggled at times.   Add in game winners by Langdon, Kovalev and Johnsson and you have pretty much the extent of the damage that former Blueshirts have caused.

As you can see, with the exception of a couple of players there has been little to fear from former team mates.  While Kovalev looks like the real deal, Dahlen’s stats have certainly been helped by the fact that he played on a line with Jaromir Jagr not to mention that he’s also a -3 against his former team.  Ray Ferraro too is a -3 and both his goals came in losing efforts and is joined by fellow Thrasher Chris Tamer to lead the former Rangers with the worst +/-.

So next time you here the media hyping up a meeting between a player and their former team…take it for what it’s worth, a way to promote the game and get you the viewer to watch.

Ulf Dahlen4246-3000016
Alexei Kovalev33252210116
Adam Graves2123120007
Ray Ferraro3202-360008
Kim Johnsson3112-220019
Aren Miller2112200003
James Patrick3112120004
Mike Eastwood1022200002
Sergei Zubov2022100003
Jan Hlavac1101000003
Darren Langdon2101120011
Eric Cairns4011-1600002
Tie Domi20111100002
Valeri Kamensky2011-200003
Mike Keane1011120003
Ian Laperriere2011220001
Todd Marchant1011100000
Mathieu Schneider1011200001
Doug Weight1011-100000
Eric Boulton4000-1160002
Brad Brown1000050000
Zdeno Ciger1000000004
Rob Dimaio2000-200001
Colin Forbes1000-100000
Todd Harvey2000000002
Mike Knuble2000-150004
Grant Ledyard3000000002
Stephane Matteau2000000006
Stan Neckar3000320001
Sergei Nemchinov4000-200003
Mattias Norstrom2000-100000
Rich Pilon1000100000
Stephane Quintal3000-100001
Luc Robitaille1000000004
Kevin Stevens2000000002
PJ Stock1000070000
Niklas Sundstrom2000-240001
Chris Tamer3000-360003
Tim Taylor3000020003
Pat Verbeek2000-200006
Rob Zamuner1000-100002
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