by Ranger Extreme
I woke up. I got a call from Tom Renney saying that Tom Barasso got picked up by the Canes. I’m not worried. He is too young anyway for my liking. I made a long distance call into the office. My assistant said that Rookie Camp went well except a few of the lads came in outta shape. No Worries. I saw a promo for that new Jason Alexander show “Patterson ” it looked kinda stupid.
I had lunch with J.D, That darn bald Walrus can sure eat. I asked him how many fishnagles it would take to get him to come out of retirement to back up Ricky. After he got done choking down his Paaahsta he gave me Grant Fuhrs and Andy Moogs phone numbers. I like motorized scooters. I would have scooted more when I was a kid if they had motors on them.
Then I played a late round of golf with Glen Anderson. His mom makes good salmon sandwiches. There was something I was gonna ask him but I forget.
Right before bed I called long distance into my job again it seems all is well. Whew! My summer of nothing is still playing in N.Y. I hope diary I don’t have that recurring nightmare again of Jagr beating Kloucek one on one while George Mcphee stands in his press box laughing at me like Dr.Evil.
Goodnight diary.. Motorized scooters mmm…